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Impacts of lithium development on indigenous territories in Argentina, Bolivia and Chile


Contribute to the prevention, minimization and reparation of the human rights impacts of lithium extraction on indigenous peoples and communities in Argentina, Bolivia and Chile (ABC), through the production and systematization of information, the visibility of conflicts and violations and the strengthening of the capacities of their representative organizations, and the development of recommendations on legislation, public policy and corporate practices from these communities.

Observatorio Ciudadano
Organization members
Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales de Argentina (CELS) (Argentina), Posgrado en Ciencias del Desarrollo de la Universidad Mayor San Andrés de Bolivia (CIDES-UMSA), In alliance with indigenous peoples' organizations in Chile, the Asociación Indígena Consejo de Pueblos Atacameños and the Colla Pai-Ote Community; in Argentina, the Red Puna Somos Tierra - Vía Campesina; and in Bolivia, the Federación Regional Única de Trabajadores y Campesinos del Altiplano Sur (FRUTCAS) and local communities of the Colcha K. Municipality.
Region of impact
Argentina, Bolivia, Chile